Friday, February 20, 2009

Back to crushing 25nl

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
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I'm back grinding away, back in the comfort zone, crushing crushing crushing. Not that it's in any way, shape or form an achievement to crush 25nl. The players, if you could call them poker players, like to donate money on a regular basis.

Since christmas I have been making over $40 an hour, at over 4 ptBB/100. I'm delighted with the win rate cos it's while 24 tabling, but I prolly should start working on my game and trying to move up stakes. Just couldn't be arsed, sounds like way too much hard work. $40 an hour is loads for me, for this year anyway. Maybe after college I'll try get good.

I made around $170 today, plus around 20 rb.

Other than that still training for the marathon, had a 8 miler on sunday. I no longer have feet, blisters have temporarily replaced them.


  1. what site do you play at? and what rakeback site?

  2. Pokerstars, and the "rakeback" I talk about is the fpp's I earn which allow me to buy money bonuses. For every 100k fpp's I get $1500.
