Today was a pretty awful day, - 7 buyins. Played brilliantly terrible. When I get bad luck and lose a few buyins I don't really mind, but when I play like I did today and also get coolered and outdrawn it really annoys me. Arghhh. Such a donk in so many spots, this spewyness/spewiness? has been creeping into my play a lot as of late. Gotta concentrate in the month coming, where I'll be putting in serious volume.
April results - 1.5k profit, 3.42 BB/100, 90k hands
May Goals - 140k hands, stop this retarded spewing
Just wanted to give an update after my earlier tilt spree. I took a while off, had a shower, and downloaded and started listening to Joanna Newsom. What music... never have I felt more relaxed than when I took to the tables again.
Only played for half an hour but I played well and managed to get myself back up for the day. Here is the graph of today, I have the place in time circled where I gave up earlier. Pretty swingy day.
This post is just to remind me what happens when I tilt. Probably won't have any effect on me in terms of stopping me from tilting in the future but you never know.
I don't tilt often, but when I do I'm a worse player than that donk Virmos I regularly berate. Well ok, not that bad, but the evidence is compelling all the same:
Sorry for the lack of updates, there hasn't been anything new or strange going on really. I am playing a lot more, on account of trying to get the 10k vpp's in before May, and have been running ok. I got my 3rd (might be 4th) ever royal flush today, and managed to run it into a full house was a pretty nice way to start off my sesh this morn.
I have to play around 4 hours a day for the rest of the month the get the 10k vpp's. I'm planning on maintaining these hours through the month of May, to leave myself with enough money so as to not have to grind AT ALL through the summer. Should be a good summer if I can put the hours in, I think 3.5ke shouold be enough, so roughly 4.5k USD. I have around 4k USD at the moment so I need to make enough to live off for May and make 1k more so I have enough to continue the grind after summer when I start college. Thats the plan anyhoo, I'm off, here are my stats for all 25nl hands as promised.
Hands 347,635 Hours 224.50 BB/100 4.10 Total Profit $7123.50 $/hour 31.73 $ from Fpp's 1980.01
Total Hourly Rate ...... $40.55
Just finished my best day ever in terms of volume. Pretty close to best profit ever too. 10,134 hands, $229.05 profit. This grinding thing is easy once you get in a swing, I've played over 18k hands in 2 days, which would normally take me 6 or seven days, depending how lazy I am that particular week. Gotta keep it up now, made over 1k vpp's today.
Today was the first time I've played since my last post, so had a nice long break. Got back into the swing of things today, booking a win of $208.65 in around 4 hours. I'll be playing a lot more for the rest of the month, to keep my supernova status.
The "scammer" who took my $500 has payed back the first installment of $100, which I'm delighted about. It means I don't have to hunt him down and break his lags.
In other new YEEEEEEESSSSS Liverpool lost. Justice. I'll update my 25nl stats next post, gotta go watch Man United cruise through to the semi's.
Poker has been going ok, not great. I had a nasty sesh yesterday where, in 600 hands, I had two set under set's, kk vs. aa aipf, and a hand where I had qq on a q66 board drawing practically dead. I made over 2k in March, at $33 an hour, and for April so far I have made 420, at $30 an hour, so it's not bad really.
I played the $16.50 heads up SCOOP, and I think I won six in a row to take home $92, in the last 256. I made a pretty bad call in the final heads up, where I thought I had a read. Douglas played it too, and I offered to trade 5% of the action. He declined, his reasoning being he thinks he's better at me heads up. Justice I say.
Going to start up a sesh now, and then start the 5th series of house.
What an unreal day. Firstly and MOST importantly, UNITED WON! What a match, it literally had me in tears (of happiness). It was the most exciting and entertaining match I've seen in ten years, since that wonderful season of '99. Delighted.
Secondly, I had a +9.78 BI day, which is always good.
Thirdly, two of those 9.78 buyins were won off my arch nemesis donkey Virmos. Here are the hands, he played pretty poorly in both which made me even happier he he.
Fourthly, well I don't really have a fourthly. I suppose the scoop is quite exciting, I have a piece of my friend Dougie, and a player called cody1982, so it's nice to have some interest. Railing Negreanu too, in the 10k horse. Exciting.
Anyway, I'm off to wank over United on MotD2. Gl all.
As many as you may have guessed, the last post was an april fool. And I made many the april fool out of you all. Hopefully. Will and Dougie were caught anyway, although Douglas maintains he knew all along and was playin with me.
Haven't played much since last post, hour and a half just there. Made $60, with some bad luck and bad play. This hand is just awful, I was kinda on tilt.
I came across two interesting articles/blog posts in the last few days.
The first one here conveys a lot of views that I strongly agree with, its quite refreshing to find another person who shares my outlook on this topic. Another valid point in the argument of being rich vs. being "normal" is the old pronoun "money can't buy you happiness," a saying with which I totally agree. I grew up with a variety of people, some rich, some not so rich, and I fully believe that the better off friends of mine were no happier than the less well off. And this goes for all ages (I think).
This article outlines the five most essential aspects to becoming a successful poker player. I think I have four out of five of the qualities, the fourth quality being the one I lack. Although saying I have four out of five down kind of takes number five away from me. Ah well three aint bad.
As we speak I am playing in the supernova weekly tourney and this hand has just happened.
I though I recongnized his name so I looked up the villain on OPR here. Oh yeah, I pawned the number one on
What a move with that 69, I like that hand for some reason I just can't put my finger on. You know, 69, can't put my FINGER on(in) it . Oh the hilarity.
Just made money there in the VIP tourney, $75 for top 270. There is 265 left, I have 9.9k, blinds are 400/800. I'll give updates as I go.
Card dead. 8.7k.
The average has only 11 bb's now, as blinds have gone up to .5/1k. Not long now I would imagine.
7k. Got moved so missed SB, nice.
Folded A8 to an all in. Maybe shuda gone.
All in j6.......marginal call by another shortie with A7.....and I'm out. $90. Dissapointing, but happy with a free $90.