Monday, December 8, 2008

1st Update

Played three and a half hours of 25nl today. Up 29.80. Quite happy though because I had a lot of biggish pots lost from turn to river when it was all in and I was ahead.

Since moving down to 25nl I have made $167.70 at $17.68 per hour. Plus around $5 an hour rakeback, which will go up to $7.50 an hour in 2000 vpp's time :)

BB/100 is at 2.78, I'd be happy with sustaining 2.5-2BB/100 while 18 tabling, which would give me around $15 an hour, plus $7.5 rakeback.

Other than that I'm studying my pokertracker stats a lot and revising my game plan. In the past week I've changed from raising 42% of total hands I play to 60%, and loving it. It means when I run card dead I can still profit unlike before. Running at 12.58/7.59, which is still relatively conservative but am working on it. Still can't bring myself to raise with Ajs 1st position which i probably should be doing.

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