Wednesday, February 25, 2009

11 mile runs are not fun

It's true. Pain everywhere, including me bollox.

Just got my 10k vpp's in feb there, had to put in a lot of hours recently because I can't play for the rest of the month and had to get em in. But did it so happy.

I don't have the stats to hand but I think my ptBB/100 was over 5 for feb. It's probably my best month for around a year, since I had that big tourney score for 3k. Happy out, taking a lot of money out to clear the debt, (only 2.5kish, student loan) and spending on random things. Compared to how much money I had for those brutal months of october and november I'm a millionaire. $50 an hour if you include rb is way more than I have ever made at poker over a decent sample, well maybe when I was playing $100 heads ups. But this is so steady, very little varianc.

I have a live tourney saturday, I'll give an update on monday. It's a team event, with my bro, Dougie and Will on the team among others. We are all making our living off poker atm so it can't be that bad a team. Should be a laff. Until then I am off up to galway for rag week. So no internet pokers til monday.


  1. How many tables are you playing at once mate? $50 an hour is very impressive for NL25, why not move up as you are obviously killing the games whereever you're playing right now!

  2. 24 tables. Have given it a coupla tries but just cant seem to get anything going up there. It's hard because I'm living off poker just for this year and any bad run at a higher level means I don't eat for a week :).
